One Year Anniversary | Canada to Mexico Adventure Cycling Trip
Today marks the one year anniversary of our adventure cycling trip from Canada to Mexico! Greg McCormack and Gregg Bleakney celebrate the completion of an epic journey, a 2,389-mile bicycling trip of 49 days along the Sierra Cascades Adventure Cycling route, finishing in Tecate, Mexico on November 11, 2010. Check out the video below and subscribe to my tube… Filmed by: Irene McCormack Stay... [Read more...]

where is gmack now? last week of innersea discoveries expedition – week 12
It has been such an exciting adventure on the InnerSea Discoveries Expedition, Click Links Below to read daily updates from THE LAST WEEK of the Trip: July 16 – July 23, 2011 Saturday | July 16 SHOPPING DAY Sunday | July 17 DOMES, RANGERS, SUP’s Monday | July 18 BAFFLING GLACIAL FEATURES Tuesday | July 19 BEAVERS, PORCUPINES AND 3 LAKES Wednesday | July 20 LEAPING SALMON Thursday |July 21 A... [Read more...]

where is gmack now? innersea discoveries expedition week 11
It has been an exciting week on the InnerSea Discoveries Expedition Click Links Below to read daily updates from Week 11 of the Trip: July 10 – July 16, 2011 Sunday | July 10 “Kayaking, Sauntering, Kelp-Bugling” Monday | July 11 “Totems, Plankton, Weather” Tuesday | July 12 “Invertebrates and Our Sister-Ship” Wednesday | July 13 “Phantasmagorical Seascapes” Thursday... [Read more...]
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