Saturday | May 7th

May 20, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries

Saturday | May 7th


One last big push by crew to get the vessel looking ship-shape.  Passengers board by 2pm and are welcomed with champagne and appetizers.   

Soon we are pulling lines and departing our dock in Seattle. Finally Alaska bound after 5 long mothballed years for this vessel and at least 7 months undergoing major renovations.  Through Salmon Bay and the Ship Canal through the Charles M. Chittendem locks adjacent to the Carl S. English botanical gardens located on our starboard side as we pull into the “ship elevator” and we drop 25 feet from fresh water to salt water.  Port side is Magnolia district of Seatle with a fish ladder and chutes with water released.


Then to Elliot Bay—not quite—for a view of the Seattle skyline, but bagged it because of the rainy squalls.  Nice sunset after passing through Admiralty Inlet.  Pulled into protection of lee side of SJI.

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