Sunday | May 8th

May 20, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries

Fabulous feeling to come up from my cabin to see gorgeous scenery after sleeping the last couple of weeks in Fisherman’s Terminal on Salmon Bay in Seattle.  Usual view then was rusty fishing boats, roads, parking lots but now glorious clean water, hillsides, forests, meadows and near-shore kelp beds.


We take a relaxing, wonderful whale-watching cruise after breakfast circum-navigating SJI into Haro Strait and past Lime Kiln Lighthouse State Marine Park where Killer Whales are often seen.  Watch Humpback Whales and I have a chance to interpret their behavior on deck to the crowd on the fo’csle. Also see white-winged and surf scoter and pointed out the first bald eagle that flew overhead.


Not enough time ashore in Friday Harbor.  I bought Patty lavender flower heads and shipped them to Texas I also looked at nets for collecting marine algaes to look in the stereoscopes provided by Jacqui from the Wilderness Adventurer.  Went back to the ship to work on projects.  Our E.L. is a real task-master, which is great so that we can have a productive and enjoyable season.


Head on over to Sucia Island and some of the crew and I eat on the top deck soaking in the marvelous skyscapes and seascapes.  Surrounded by islands.  I gave a route talk, describing Walden Island as a place for Annie Dillard who wrote part of her book “The Writing Life” on that off-the-ferry-stop path (won the Putlitzer Prize for her book “A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek”). 

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