Sierra-Cascades Bicycle Route Facts and Figures
For 7 weeks, adventure cyclist Greg McCormack pedaled relentlessly along the Pacific Crest to explore some of the most dramatic mountain scenery in the world. His Canada to Mexico (BC 2 BC) journey was possible through the newest mapped addition to Adventure Cycling Association’s Sierra-Cascades Bicycle Route.
By The Numbers:
•Miles pedaled: 2,402
•Days to complete: 49 (7 weeks)
•Autumn days of sunshine: 45 (2 days rain, 2 days cloudy)
•Total Pedal strokes: about 10 million
•Cadence, or revolutions of the pedal cranked per minute: 60–80 rpm
•Average hours of pedaling per day: 6 Hours
•Average hours of light per day: less than 12 Hours
•Flat tires; tires and chains replaced: 1, 2 and 2, respectively
•Hours spent climbing each day: 4 or more
•Climbs of over 1000 feet: over 100
•Climbs of over 4000 feet in a day: 7
•Number of calories consumed daily: 6,000
•Pounds lost: 11 Pounds
•Mountain ranges traversed: 3 (Cascades, Sierra Nevada, Transverse Ranges)
•Volcanoes seen: >10 (Rainier, St. Helens, Adams, Hood, Bachelor, Crater Lake, Shasta, Lassen, amongst other lesser-known fire mountains)
•Weight of bike, including racks, water bottle mounts, tools, food, water, clothing, computer, camera, rain gear, toiletries, water purification, tent, sleeping pad/bag: 100 Pounds
•Liters of water consumed daily: 2-3 liters (cool weather, less sweat)
•Number of water bottles bought and thrown away: Zero (Gregg used same 1.5 liter plastic bottle for his 1800 miles cycled
•Number of rear-view mirror looks per minute/hour/trip: 5; 300; 72,000
•Days and miles cycled alone: 9 days, 560 miles