Monday | June 6th

July 12, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries

The highlight today is walking over a push or terminal moraine and onto the snout of the Baird glacier with a group keen on one of the ultimate adventures in the great outdoors. The lowlight (many laughs afterwards) was walking across a bizarre looking terrain of hardened mud that soon jiggles to a state of liquefaction.I am person three in a four-person “rescue” from a mud-sucking, boot-eating session along the glacial snout. It is only slightly terrifying, mainly because it feels like you are being sucked down slowly into quick sand. Perhaps we should call it “slow mud”?

Paul has mud splatter on his face. Janice and Alex have the gray rock flour all over their boots up to their knees on their pants.

Our pick-up spot has changed dramatically due to the tides. Our sister vessel, the M/V Wilderness Adventurer could not make it up against both the river and the katabatic or gravity winds coming off of the glacier. We are all in a festive mood after this exciting adventure.

Spread the Adventure!


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