Thursday | July 7

September 14, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries

“I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, an America which will protect the beauty of our natural environment….” –John F. Kennedy

Into Yes Bay we go for a day full of adventures. We are lucky to see some sunshine today, as this region receives close to 160 inches or over 13-feet of rain a year.

I lead a group of experienced snorkelers (all but one are certified divers) to a couple of sites, one on each side of the bay. It’s entertaining to see the initial reaction when folks get in the water and the wetsuit if filled up with 45-degree Fahrenheit water.

We have a lot of fun kicking along the shoreline. It’s atypical to have a group that can get down underwater without the use of weights, which is not an easy thing to do for a novice. Diving down deep requires a familiarity with the Vasalva maneuver, which helps relieve the pressure on the ears and sinuses.

It takes a few forceful kicks to get down 10, 20 or 30 feet. I come up with handfuls of colorful invertebrates to show our group and small-boat driver.

A fabulous sunset leads to quiet reflections for guests. A wonderful time is had by all out on the deck with appetizers and drinks.

Our Chief Mate Kevin Martin entertains everyone on the forecastle or fo’c’s’le by playing the banjo.

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