Thursday | June 2nd

July 28, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries

The remarkable sunrise is appreciated by all as we depart the narrow and spectacular Patterson Bay fiord.

In the afternoon, we enjoy seeing the penguin-like Common Murre seabird floating on drifting logs.

We are also entertained this afternoon by a breaching humpback whale. I finally take a photo of a whale with the background for a change. So many times we take photos of our subject and only get water as the background. The viewer might wonder if the whale is really in Alaska  or wintering in its breeding and calving grounds down in Hawaii.

The hours spent looking for wildlife is a perfect opportunity for me to put some educational hand-outs out on the top deck and give a presentation on migration, the natural history of marine mammals and the threats that they face from human activity.

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