Wednesday | May 25

July 1, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries

I met a native of Wrangell, David McHolland, he was born and raised here he sets trap lines for Marten and River Otter and occasionally Wolverine and Wolves. Found out that the Grassy Headlands at the mouth of the Stikine River is a prime stopover on the Pacific flyway for 10,000 Snow Geese, 5,000 Sandhill Crane and has a spring time population of 2,000-5,000 Bald Eagles.


Over 100 glaciers feed into the Stikine river which make the water have it’s muddy tone.

At 3:18p.m. while still going upriver to see the Shakes glacier bergs in a frozen lake (spotted a Mountain Goat), I announce to the jolly crowd: “42 minutes until ‘all aboard’ back at the ship”. We eventually make it back exactly an

hour later. We then cruise by many islands that I have not seen before…experience another dinner on deck with fabulous scenery and engaging conversation with fellow crew members.


Loved when I heard Randall say: “Another rough day at the office!” to me when we were clearly feeling good and perhaps a tad bit of guilty pleasure about being off of the ship enjoying the scenery with all of the good passenger guests on this excellent shore excursion.


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