Wednesday | July 20

October 3, 2011 by  
Filed under InnerSea Discoveries


“It is not enough to understand the natural world; the point is to defend and preserve it.” –Edward Abbey ‘A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

“Rise and shine” says a guest to one of their shipmates. “Time for a feeding frenzy. It looks like the galley has gone wild”, responds another. Every meal aboard the WND is a smorgasbord of healthy foods offered typically in a buffet fashion. Folks can come and go when they want during the 90-minute meal times.

My colleagues and I love eating meals al fresco on the Sun Deck. The sense of smell and taste are heightened in the great outdoors and the scenery of land and seascapes is awe-inspiring in most locations. We can’t enjoy the scenery too much as these are the times that our expedition leader likes to meet and discuss the upcoming activity calendar. We have between three and five meetings a day, seven days a week.

We wake up to pouring rain all morning and later in the day we are thrilled to have brilliant sunshine.

Tours are offered to see Chief Shakes Lodge, petroglyphs along the shoreline and jet-boat tours up the Stikine River. Some of us enjoy going to the Nolan Center Museum just a few blocks from the pier. Others pay a visit to the library for using computers to catch-up with world events or check email.

A favorite past-time is talking with the locals, particularly the kids that sell garnets on the pier.

Many passengers enjoy sitting on the Sun Deck in the afternoon. It is fun for us to watch the salmon leaping out of the water.

The activity seems to have reached a peak in the last week in this part of the Alexander Archipelago.

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